The Effect of Active Learning Techniques on Academic Performance and Learning Retention in Science Lesson: An Experimental Study



Active learning, science education, academic performance, experimental study


This paper investigated the effect of active learning techniques on academic performance and learning retention in the fourth-grade science course. This study adopted a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design. Active learning techniques were applied in the experimental group, while the control group continued their routine education. The data were analyzed using a t-test. The results showed that the experimental group had higher academic performance and learning retention than the control group. Our results are consistent with the literature. Our experimental group participants had higher academic performance and learning retention than the control group participants. This suggests that active learning techniques enabled students to play a more active role in teaching/learning.  Researchers should conduct longitudinal and mixed-design studies to understand the impact of active learning techniques more depth.


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How to Cite

Aykan, A. ., & Dursun, F. (2022). The Effect of Active Learning Techniques on Academic Performance and Learning Retention in Science Lesson: An Experimental Study. Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 2(1), 42–48. Retrieved from